The reliability of a plant or facility, or how long a period it runs before an unplanned stoppage, determines its performance. Process safety, environmental and cost performance all depend on it. It is thus a pivotal driver, which can be used to make significant business gains. Sustainable improvement requires a systematic and structured approach. M2K have developed ‘The Reliability Improvement Process’ (TRIP™), a stairstep process (illustrated above) that will enable facilities to attain high levels of safety, product quality and production volumes, at the lowest sustainable operating cost.
TRIP™ is a collaborative effort between your asset management staff and us. Generally, all facilities do some things well and from this starting point, we help the client revamp their improvement process. TRIP™ compares local practices with proven best practices, identifies worthwhile improvement opportunities and devises "what to do and how to do it" solutions to exploit these opportunities. M2K have worldwide experience in implementing TRIP™ that will enable you to reach the ranks of top performers.
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