About the Maintenance Planning and Scheduling Course

A key component of production cost is maintenance and the key role of maintenance is to guarantee the reliability of the production. The crucial element for ensuring that maintenance is cost effectively delivered, is the planning and scheduling of maintenance tasks. Given the huge impact maintenance management can have on production output, as well as the increasing tendency for maintenance departments to be asked to do “more with less”, it is essential that maintenance professionals strive towards the implementation of best practices in maintenance planning.  Many studies have shown that reactive maintenance correlates strongly with poor plant or facility performance. Yet many companies are still operating in this fire-fighting mode.

Course Instructor - Kenneth Lees BSc, MSc

Learning Outcomes

A proactive approach means that we regain control of the work we do and its timing. This leads to improved safety and availability. This course provides a methodology for: pre-planning routine maintenance tasks generated by predictive and preventive maintenance programs, planning tasks to recover from malfunction or breakdown and a strategy to allow us to cope with random failure. The course will cover the essential steps we need to take to plan and schedule our maintenance work properly. That will help maximise the proactive content and further our goal of achieving best-in-class performance.

Course Outline


Work Identification
- Justify why we do maintenance
- Investigate what work we need to do
- Examine the criteria for determining timing
- RCM principles

Maintenance Planning
- What is Maintenance Planning?
- Objectives
- Planning Tools
- Process
- Communication
- Measurement


Priority Setting
- Criticality
- Urgent vs Important
- Qualitative & Quantitative Risk
- Tools for Criticality

Maintenance Scheduling
- Objectives
- Process
- Backlog & Priorities
- Capacity
- Software, CMMS


Emergency Response
- Trips, breakdowns
- Planning
- Damage limitation
- Rescue

Data and CMMS
- Inputs, fixed formats
- Quality, Error management
- Milking the CMMS
- Course Summary/Question & Answer Session/Distribution of Material

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