About the Tripod-BETA Practitioner Training Course - 3/4 Days

Tripod-BETA is a methodology for conducting an incident analysis in parallel with the investigation, supported by a PC-based tool. Interaction between these two processes - investigation and analysis - provides the investigators with confirmation of the relevance of their fact gathering and highlights avenues of investigation pointing to the identification of underlying causes. The benefit to the analysis process is that logical anomalies can be highlighted and resolved while the investigation is still active. The net result is a deeper and more comprehensive investigation and a clearer understanding of the failures that must be addressed in order to make significant and lasting improvements in incident prevention.

The net result is a deeper and more comprehensive investigation and a clearer understanding of the failures that must be addressed in order to make significant and lasting improvements in incident prevention. The methodology is supported by software that provides the means to collect and assemble the facts from the investigation and manipulate them on screen into a graphic representation of the event and its causes - an incident tree. The program tests the tree structure to ensure that it is logical in terms of the Tripod theory of accident causation, and that other rules applying to the investigation have been followed. An incident report is generated both for draft distribution and for final publication.

Course Instructor - Kenneth Lees BSc, MSc


  • Explain why incidents occur
  • Understand the Tripod concept
  • Describe the key elements of the risk management process
  • Use a risk assessment matrix
  • Understand the decisions necessary to initiate an investigation in accordance with terms of reference
  • Understand the positive and negative aspects of involving various parties in an investigation team
  • Describe the context in which the Tripod Beta methodology fits
  • Use Tripod Beta theory to construct an accurate event, object, agent, (EOA) diagram
  • Use Tripod Beta theory to complete the investigation model by identifying appropriate barriers
  • Understand human behaviour and the human error theory model
  • Use physical evidence gathering and observation techniques effectively to gather information carefully and accurately to secure evidence to test the investigation model
  • Use interviewing techniques effectively to gather information in order to secure evidence to test and complete the investigation model
  • Use sequential time event plotting to organise facts
  • Use Tripod Beta theory to identify immediate and underlying causes and to construct an accurate incident causation tree
  • Understand and apply basic risk factors
  • Identify control and prevention measures/remedial actions to prevent recurrence that directly address both the immediate and underlying causes of the incident
  • Conduct an incident investigation
  • Use Tripod Beta methodology to complete analysis of an incident as part of a team
  • Prepare an incident report
  • Complete the Tripod Beta Practitioner knowledge assessment
  • Understand the international accreditation process


The course duration is normally three or four days depending on initial knowledge of the participants and specific requirements.

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